MdB Mr. Axel E. Fischer
Kaiserstraße 19
76646 Bruchsal
RE: Besprechungsanfrage
Der ehrenwerte MdB Herr Fischer
Ich schreibe, um ein Treffen mit Ihnen anzufordern.
Ich bin Davood Arshad ein Menschenrechtsaktivist. Ich bin in NTCA aktiv. Es ist in Köln eingetragen. NTCA ist dazu bestimmt, das Leben von Einzelpersonen und Familien, die von islamistischen Terrororganisationen betroffen sind, zu verbessern. Das Bewusstsein der Öffentlichkeit darüber zu erhöhen, wie terroristische Organisationen gegründet werden, Mitglieder rekrutieren und ihre barbarische Natur im Westen verbergen. Auch die tatsächlichen Ziele der Terror Kulte.
Ich bin seit drei Jahrzehnten Ex-Mitglieder von Mek (Mujahidin-e Khalg Iran). Ich war auch Ex-Mitglied des Nationalen Widerstandsrates Irans (NCRI).
Ich möchte einige wichtige Fragen erörtern, die den Kampf gegen den Terrorismus betreffen.
Deine Ehre,
Westlich gebildete Mitglieder wie wir werden von terroristischen Organisationen wie Mek rekrutiert.
Wie Jugendliche unter alten Mitgliedern genutzt werden, um Waffen zu ergreifen und Terror zu verbreiten.
Familien der Mitglieder des Mek werden zerstört, um sie loyal gegenüber dem Führer des Mek Cult zu halten.
Kennen Sie die Ziele von Mek und ihre langfristige Strategie gegen die westliche Zivilisation?
Jede Kooperation mit Mek mit terroristischem Hintergrund schadet dem Ruf der Politiker in ihrem Wahlkreis.
Hier sind einige Fakten über die bisherigen Aktivitäten von MEK rund um den Globus.
Vielen Dank für die Prüfung dieser Besprechungsanfrage. Ich freue mich darauf, von dir zu hören
Mit freundlischen Grüßen
Davood B. Arshad
Martin Luther Street 3
51145, Cologne
ISIS is well known but who is MEK?
Maryam Rajavi and Masoud Rajavi MEK leaders
“Human Rights violation as roots of Global Terrorism’s survival”
There are daily reports of human rights abuses around the globe but, today one of the greatest issues of our time that is protecting human rights in places that mostly go unseen. For years many countries around the Globe have been under the close watch for bad Human Rights records.
But what has been overlooked in our region and especially in the Middle East and also Iran are the terrorist-cult groups that have been catastrophically transformed to the greatest threat to Human being and its values at global scale. The most known example of such disastrous transformation is ISIS.
Unfortunately, what is not well known while it is much more dangerous than ISIS “to my insight knowledge” and is not only going unseen but doing all it can using its huge financial resources inherited from Saddam Hossein of Iraq and recently its new financial and political supporter, Saudi Arabia, to hide its real nature by deceiving the world is MEK of Iran led by Masoud and Maryam Rajavi based in Auvers Sur Oise north of Paris.
MEK and Killing US Citizens
The Guardian of UK Sept 21, 2012 wrote:
The MEK cut a ‘swath of terror’ in the Middle East, but leaders have worked hard to convince the west they are peaceful. …The MEK ran a bombing campaign inside Iran against the Shah’s regime in the 1970s. The targets were sometimes American, including the US information office, Pepsi Cola, PanAm and General Motors. The group routinely denounced Zionism and “racist Israel”, and called for “death to America”. A state department report in 1992 identified the MEK as responsible for the killing of six Americans in Iran during the 1970s. They included three military officers and three men working for Rockwell International, a conglomerate specializing in aerospace including weapons, who were murdered in retaliation for the arrest of MEK members over the killings of the US military officers.
The MEK was an enthusiastic supporter of the seizure of the US embassy in Tehran following the Iranian revolution. It called the eventual release of the American hostages a “surrender”.
MEK and 9/11,
The MEK was also a zealous supporter of Sept 11, terrorist act. MEK leaders Masoud and Maryam Rajavi celebrated the Sept 11, with their nearly 4000 members while watching the horrific act of barbarism on the CNN. Rajavi called it struggle against Imperialism, and pitted that he could not do it first before Bin Laden, although he said he was sure that his group can do it better with more casualties when they do.
MEK and Suicide bombing using childern
The world is shocked by unbelievable reports Saturday 5 March 2016 that:
The Islamic State is recruiting and indoctrinating children using the same methods as the Nazi regime, with the goal of creating an even more lethal second generation of extremists, states a report by the London-based anti-extremism think-tank Qulliam.
The study, “Children of Islamic State,” was reported in the Guardian on Saturday, which said that the younger generation of ISIS is indoctrinated with religious concepts from birth.
The Islamic State, also known as ISIS and ISIL, is training many children as future terrorists, spies, executioners, preachers, soldiers and suicide bombers, says the report.
But MEK as the God Father of Terrorism has long been in it since 1981. MEK recruited and having indoctrinating children such as 13 years old girl called Gohare Adab Awas as suicide bomber in a mosque in Iran killing and wounding tens of worshipers.
Forceful separation of children and families from each other
They even went further and forcefully separated children from their members of the cult and sent them to Orphanage they had in Europe and later they smuggled them to Iraq to take up arms. Many of these them were killed in the clashes, some committed suicide under horrendous pressures, some who denied were killed by the MEK calling it committing suicide by the children.
Such as a young girl called Alan Mohammadi 15, and two young boys called Majan Akbari 15 and Yaser Akbari Nasab.
MEK and killing the Iraqi Kurds
From the early weeks of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) until January 2009, coalition forces detained and provided security for members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MeK), an exiled Iranian dissident cult group living in Iraq. At the outset of OIF, the MeK was designated a hostile force, largely because of its history of cooperation with Saddam Hussein’s military in the Iran-Iraq War and its alleged involvement in his suppression of the Shia and Kurdish uprisings that followed the Gulf War of 1991. (Extract form Rand Report). I am also a live witness to the killing of the Kurds in Iraq.
MEK and Cultic nature
Prior to establishing an alliance with Saddam, the MeK had been a popular organization. However, once it settled in Iraq and fought against Iranian forces in alliance with Saddam, the group incurred the ire of the Iranian people and, as a result, faced a shortfall in volunteers. Thus began a campaign of disingenuous recruiting. The MeK naturally sought out Iranian dissidents, but it also approached Iranian economic migrants in such countries as Turkey and the United Arab Emirates with false promises of employment, land, aid in applying for asylum in Western countries, and even marriage, to attract them to Iraq. Relatives of members were given free trips to visit the MeK’s camps. Most of these “recruits” were brought into Iraq illegally and then required to hand over their identity documents for “safekeeping.” Thus, they were effectively trapped. (Extract form Rand Report page38)
The MeK as Skilled Manipulators of Public Opinion
During the more than four decades since its founding, the MeK has become increasingly adept at crafting and promoting its image as a democratic organization that seeks to bring down Iranian tyrants, both secular and religious. This profile has been especially effective in the United States and Europe, where, until recently, the MeK’s extensive. (Extract form Rand Report)
As of thousands gathered for an annual rally for the NCRI in France in June 2014 with 90% of the participants were none Iranians youngsters from East Europe deceived by free journey to Paris with free meal and Hotel, or from the refugees camps, spokesman for the French Foreign Ministry condemned the group for its “violent and non-democratic inspirations,” “cult nature,” and “intense campaign of influence and disinformation.”
Below is the position of French Foreign Office on Mek when questioned about MeK by Mr. Ali Hossein Nejad member of No to Terrorism and Cults Association and 40 years member of Mek and special Arabic translator and Arabic teacher of Masoud Rajavi the Cult leader. Mr. Hossein Nejad was sentences to death by Mek because he intervened in his youngest daughter who lives in Iran to be taken to Iraq under deceptive notion of taking her to Germany for further education. Mr. Nejad has lost his wife, his two brothers in Mek and his older daughter is still captive in Mek.